Monday, 2 July 2007

23:06 Prompts

They live opposite the church, funny couple
I take the route that crosses yours
A day bright with frost and fire
A young man, smiling
After an hour he stumbled away
He swims one-armed, in beautiful circles
He used to live in Baghdad
Hey, I shout, can you fix my life?
His father hurries to greet him
How lucky to be ignorant
I hear boots in the street
I've run out of tricks
My aunt paused
She says she wants to open the box
So we troop out into the street as the fog rolls in
The baker, the oven
The frequency of sea-monsters
The girl gently pries her mother's fingers
The river, dead negroes
They have found her bicycle
Troy has fallen
We called the house hell
At the village dance
The drowning, the singing
When you leave the rough road
Three-wheel drive
I am uncertain. It is almost morning.
Ash on an old man's sleeve

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