Thursday, 2 August 2007

Latest Hits Stats

BC Prizes and payments now total $4,543

I have finally put this on a spreadhseet and discovered we were abnnouncing about $300 less than actual.

Congrats to recent prize-winners and also to Tom who has an acceptance from "Behind the Wainscott" and Jason who has placed a story with 3AM Magazine, a very tough market

We failed to separate June-July (34 total hits) fractionally better than one every other day (see below) whereas Agust has got off to a flying start with EIGHT hits earning $660


091 TomC story in Ballista (Print)

092 Alex places collection at Salt (print)

093 Jason Jackson places at six sentences

094 NW places at six sentences

095 Tom places at Underground Voices $30

096 Amy places at six sentences

097 Jason Jackson places at Smokelong

098 TomC paces at Defenestration

099 Cally at Liars League

100 Alex places at Parameter (Print)

101 TomC shortlisted at Earlyworks (print anthology)

102 Joel in Pen-Pusher Magazine (print)

103 Alex Named Short-List at Cadenza (Santiago)

104 Alex 3rd at Cadenza (Sparrow)

105 Colin Named Short-list at Cadenza

106 Cally HR at Writelink Weekender

107 Joel named longlist at Cadenza

108 Joel shortlist at Writelink

109 Cally Joint-Winner Sedberg Prize

110 TomC shortlisted at Kings Lynn (1)

111 TomC shortlisted at Kings Lynn (2)

112 TomC shortlisted at Kings Lynn (3)

113 MJH shortlisted at Kings Lynn

114 Lexie shortlisted at Kings Lynn

115 JJ Highly Commended, Frome

116 MJH Commended Leaf Books SF Comp

117 Cally story at "tobereadoutloud" ($100)

118 Chrissie at Smokebox

119 Chrissie

120 CallyHR at Momaya (Anthology)

121 Joel in Twisted Tongue

122 RVJ places 3rd and shortlist in Liverpool Comp

123 Cally a First Place Winner at Lancet $400

124 BC Member places in comp. Results not yet public


125 TomC wins Pier Pressure Short-Story Prize $200

126 RVJ wins Pier Pressure Poetry Prize $200

127 TomC (2nd story) shortlisted at Pier Pressure

128 DPJ shortlisted at Pier Pressure

129 MJH shortlisted at Pier Pressure

130 DPJ wins Momaya Short Story Prize $260

131 TomC story taken by "Behind the Wainscott"

132 Jason Jackson acceptance at 3 AM Magazine

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