Friday, 23 March 2007

Anything but a poem!

My first ever blog entry and it starts with me whining. Que sorpressa.

First, please don't challenge me with a poem. I already have a long list of bollocks that I have to write, including one ad for CD's, one ad for pills, one case study, two recruitment ads and a letter to Chinese label designers thanking them for designing labels. Oh, and I have to knock up something for primaries.

This has happened ever week for the last month. Friday comes and I have nothing for primaries and I end up finishing 30 seconds before the deadline. No time to edit it, no time to even read it sometimes. My life is ruled by deadlines.

Deadline here, deadline there, deadline everywhere.

Hang on, does that qualify as a poem?


Alex Keegan said...

I know, life has that annoying habit of getting in the way of writing.


It's easy to believe we haven't got the time. I had no time today but I got up at six, did my Boot Camp admin, wrote a story (1,300 words and it's a story not a flash), took the Mrs tothe station, took daughter to school. Now I've go to take son to hospital where I will probably sit for half a day (I'll take a novel I'm studying).

Don't get me wrong, it may well be that you REALLY don't have the time. I'm just saying that the "no time" thing is a trap.

Here's a poem I just wrote.

Don't challenge me
with a poem. I already have
a long list of bollocks
that I have to write, including one ad
for CD's, one ad
for pills, one case study, two
recruitment ads and a letter
to Chinese label designers thanking them
for designing labels. Oh, and I have
to knock up something for primaries.

This has happened every week
for the last month. Friday comes
and I have nothing
for primaries and I end up finishing
thirty seconds before the deadline. No time
to edit, no time to even read
it sometimes. My life is ruled
by deadlines.

Jpw said...

It's not an excuse. It's my reality.

I will get everything done because I have no choice.

My difficulty is that I spend all day writing copy, or trying to coming up with clever slogans and concepts.

Sometimes this puts me in the mood for proper writing, other times I just think fuck this I need a break from words.