Saturday, 24 March 2007

Saturday Morning, Some Prompts

Woke at 07:15 today. How does my brain know it's Saturday?

Going bonkers here because I think I can smell, faintly, vomit. I've changed my clothes, showered, but this smell is still there. Maybe my brain is rotting.

Here are this morning's prompts from Boot Camp

if you aren't a Boot Camper, why not get on line to a group of fellow-writers agree a time and all look at the daily prompts, challenge each other to write a flash or a story, set a time-limit. 75 minutes for a flash, two hours for a story. (It's just a first draft). it's the GROUP dynamic that makes the difference, the sense of sport, pressure, togetherness.

Of course you could always join BC...

Hey I just noticed something...

Here is a free opening to a story:

"Going bonkers here because I think I can smell, faintly, vomit. I've changed my clothes, showered, but this smell is still there. Maybe my brain is rotting."


Long time he lay uppon the sunny hill


The second of September was a warm day, but misty


On a moonlit night in July


Cows are going home in the lane, their warm wreaths of breath


It had been a most restless day.

Waiting for love, for letters

You lie like a cheap watch

Detective Inspector O'Shaunesy crossed the marketplace holding a bundle iin his hand. Behind him strode the red-face Sergeant O'Flynn carrying a colander filled to the brim with gooseberries.

Chick Peas

In the cheapest room in seedy block

Copper Poisoning

Night. The nurse is rocking the baby.

Timothy Winters

Vanka and Tossa in Budapest for the weekend.


Two policeman are escorting a tramp who refuses to give his name.

A Thousand blessings, effendi!

When she was still pretty

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