Friday, 18 May 2007

Turned Out a Nice Day!

A little hit for me (always welcome) and $25 but followed by two more reported hits and another $25

Our tiny band of hard-workers have had 18 hits in May, an average of 1 per day

83 for the year $3,393 in payments.


065 RVJ HR'd at JBWB
066 Joel in Shimmer
067 Cally HR'd in Twisted Tongue Comp
068 Joel at Smokebox
069 MJH places at Thieves Jargon
070 Jason Jackson in Leaf Anthology (1)
071 Jason Jackson in Leaf Anthology (2)
072 Claire in Secret Attic
073 Alex Poem in Poetry Monthly, June
074 Caroline wins Blaenau Gwent ($170)
075 Lexie poem in Poetry Monthly June
076 Alex's Tomatoes in Espresso Fiction ($30)
077 Alex's Zombies in Espresso Fiction ($30)
078 Cally story at Word Riot
079 Caroline in June Poetry Monthly
080 DMW gets a story int June Flashquake ($25)
081 Caroline had HR at JBWB Spring (overlooked)
082 Soccer, Cake for RVJ in Flashquake ($25)

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